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Adverbs of Frequency

Adverbs of Frequency
An adverb of frequency tells how often the action or event of the verb happens.
For example:
NEVER | We never thought we would get to go to Disneyworld. |
OCCASIONALLY | After dinner, we occasionally have dessert. |
SOMETIMES | Doing my math homework is sometimes difficult. |

Here is a list of common Adverbs of Frequency and their meanings:
never | Does not happen ever |
rarely | Almost never happens |
seldomly | Happens sometimes but not regularly |
from time to time | Happens sometimes by not regularly |
now and then | Happens sometimes but not regularly |
sometimes | Happening some of the time |
occasionally | Happens some of the time |
often | Happens frequently but not regularly |
usually | Happens frequently and regularly |
normally | Consistently happens regularly |
all the time | Consistently happens |
always | Happens consistently at all times (can be used to exaggerate a phrase as well) |
by the minute | Happens every minute |
hourly | Happens every hour |
daily | Happens every day |
weekly | Happens every week |
monthly | Happens every month |
annually | yearly |
biannually | Twice a year |
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