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Adverbs of Manner
Adverb of Manner

An adverb of manner tells us how something happens and is usually found near the main verb.
To form one, you usually take an adjective and add -LY.
quick -> quickly She quickly ran to the aid of the firefighters.
slow -> slowly They slowly walked into school, sad that their break was over.
For dramatic effect, you can also use adverbs of manners at the beginning of a sentence followed by a comma.
Slowly, she chewed her food, not wanting to go to bed after dinner.
Angrily, they slammed the door in frustration.
Here is a list of common Adverbs of Manner and examples:
angrily | I angrily answered the phone for the tenth time. |
beautifully | She played the piano beautifully. |
happily | Happily, we took turns swinging. |
fast | The racecar driver drove fast around the track. |
hard | The toddler fell down hard on the cement. |
loudly | Loudly, they stomped their feet on the floor. |
lovingly | She lovingly tucked in her baby sister. |
noisily | Noisily, the crowd cheered for their team. |
quickly | We quickly ran through the rain. |
sadly | Sadly, we were unable to go to the park. |
sarcastically | She sarcastically asked, “How do I look?” |
slowly | Slowly, but surely, we finished the test. |
softly | We whispered softly when the younger kids went to bed. |
well | I’m not feeling well. |
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