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Letters that look similar

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Letters that look similar

  1. E,F,T: This is the letter E. When we remove the line at the bottom, it becomes the letter F! This is the letter F. When we take the smaller hand of F and drop it to the top, it becomes the letter T!
  2. C,G,O,Q: This is the letter C. When we bend the curve of the C inward, it becomes the letter G. Letter C looks like a half circle. When we complete this half circle, it becomes the letter O. Look! The letter O has grown a tail! Now it becomes the letter Q!
  3. I,J,L: This is the letter I. When we curve the bottom of I leftwards, it becomes the letter J! When the letter I grows a tail, on the right side, it becomes the letter L!
  4. M,N,W: This is the letter M. M looks similar to the letter N. What's that? The letter M is upside down! An upside down M is called W!
  5. D,B,P,R: This is the letter D. It has one big tummy. D looks similar to the letter B. B has a big head and a big tummy. When we remove the big tummy of the letter B, it becomes the letter P! Look! The letter P has grown a tail! Now it looks like the letter R.
  6. N,Z: This is the letter N. Ooops! The letter N fell on its side. Now it has become the letter Z!
  7. A,V,Y: This is the letter A. The letter A is upside down! When we remove the middle line, from an inverted A, it becomes the letter V. Look! The letter V has grown a tail, at the bottom! Now it looks like the letter Y.
  8. V,U: Let's look at the letter V again. It looks similar to the letter U. V has a pointed base, whereas U has a rounded base.
  1. c,o,a,e,s: This is the letter c. It looks like a half circle. When we complete this half circle, it becomes the letter o. Here again, is the letter c. When we add a curly tail to c, it becomes letter a! Look at the letter c carefully. If we stretch the top of c and curl it inside into a small circle, letter c turns into letter e! A small c at the top and an inverted c at the bottom, together make the letter s!
  2. o,p,q,g,d,b,h: This is the letter o. When we draw a tail to the bottom left of o, it looks like the letter p. Letter p has flipped over! Now it looks like the letter q! What happened to the letter q? It has grown a curly tail! Now it looks like the letter g.Let's look at the letter o again. It has grown a long stem from its upper right side. Now it looks like the letter d! The letter has flipped over and become the letter b! If we erase the bottom of the letter b, it will become the letter h!
  3. i,l,k,j,t,f: This is the letter i. If we erase the dot of i and stretch its stem upwards, it becomes the letter l! What's that? The letter l has grown two arms! One is short and the other is long. Now it looks like the letter k! Look at the letter i again. It has grown a long curly tail. Now it looks like the letter j! Let's flip the letter j. When we remove the dot above the inverted j and draw a small line across it, it becomes the letter t. What happens to the letter t when it is inverted and flipped over? It becomes the letter f!
  4. h,n,m,r,u: This is the letter h. If we erase the long stem of h, it becomes the letter n! When we join two n's together, they look like the letter m. Look at the letter n carefully. If we erase its right leg, it looks like the letter r. Here is the letter n again. What's that? Letter n is upside down. Now it looks like the letter u!

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