Short Stories for Kids
Short stories for kids are stories, either fiction or non-fiction, that have a quick beginning, middle, and end with classic story elements, such as problem and solution, cause and effect, characters of different types, and good, solid themes. These books are used with teachers in teaching story elements such as these, as they are very important to know. In reading class, students are able to read a story with a definite plot and main idea, and discover even more elements such as similes, metaphors, and other figurative language, as well as many text features. These are available on a variety of reading levels, which allows for the differentiation of instruction and the adaptability of different texts to different readers. Helping develops fluency and accuracy in reading is what short stories for kids can do!
Online Stories for Kids
Online stories for kids are usually short stories geared for specific age groups and interests, and can be found on Turtle Diary. There is a large variety of these types of books to choose from, and teachers enjoy sharing these stories with their students. Online stories for kids can be read in a whole group, classroom setting, using a projector, or on an individual basis while a student is at the computer. They also provide a different type of reading material for them, because it is using technology, which is important to do in school. They can be fiction or non-fiction, and contain story elements for the students to be exposed to, such as plot, characters, and main idea, and can also help children be better readers by the use of phonics, repetition and rhyme, and small, one syllable words. Learning new vocabulary is also accomplished with reading them as well! Reading for Kids
Reading for kids is done by the teacher to the students, or to students towards each other (buddy reading). It also can be done individually, and reading is a highlight of the school day. Many instructors have these reading activities as a major language arts activity, as students, especially in the elementary grades, must do a lot of reading in order to become fluent. This instructional activity can be done several times during the school day, and the children learn with reading for kids several key concepts about reading. They learn the meanings of unfamiliar words, learn to retell stories, and develop comprehension skills. This also allows for the children to practice their fluency and accuracy, and there are many levels available for the students, including the more mature readers. Reading for kids is a fabulous way to encourage children to develop the love for reading, and can be done at school and at home!