Determine Time by Rounding to Nearest Hour

For adding or subtracting time, we can make use of the method rounding.

  • If the number of minutes in the time to be added (or subtracted) is 30 or more, round the time up to the next hour.
  • If the number of minutes in the time to be added (or subtracted) is less than 30, round the time down to the previous hour.

For example: Let’s say we need to add 1 hour and 55 minutes to 5:15.


Here, as the number of minutes is more than 30, round 1 hour 55 minutes to 2 hours (5 extra minutes).


5:15 + 2 hours = 7:15


Since we added 5 extra minutes, we will now subtract 5 minutes.
7:15 – 5 mins = 7:10


So, 5:15 + 1 hour and 55 minutes = 7:10.