Converting Fractions to Decimals
Decimals and fractions both are ways of showing parts of a whole.
A fraction can be converted to a decimal.
Strategy to convert fractions to decimals:
When a fraction has a denominator of a tenth, a hundredth, a thousandth, etc. which matches the place value of decimals, simply place the digits in the numerator to the right of the decimal point. Example:32/100 = 0.32
To convert a fraction that does not have a denominator of a tenth, a hundredth, a thousandths, etc. divide the numerator by the denominator.
Example: to convert 3/5
to decimal, use the expression 3 ÷ 5 to get the decimal 0.6.
When using long division, if the divisor is larger than the dividend, always add zeros as place holders and round the quotient to the nearest hundredth.