How to Do Decimals
A decimal number is a number that has a decimal point.A decimal point is a period that separates a decimal number into two parts. The number before the decimal point is called the whole part and the number after the decimal point is called the decimal part.
The place before the decimal point is expressed as Ones, Tens, Hundreds, Thousands, and so on (from right to left on the left side of decimal point) and the place after the decimal point (from left to right after the decimal point) are expressed as Tenths, Hundredths, Thousandths, and so on.Tenths and hundredths are parts of 1. If you divide 1 into ten equal parts, each part is a tenth. If you divide 1 into one hundred equal parts, each part is a hundredth, and so on.
While reading a decimal number, the digits on the left of the decimal point are read as whole number and the digits on the right of the decimal point are read as individual digits. Some decimals are smaller than one. These decimals start with a zero to show that there is nothing before the decimal point.