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Adding Mixed Time

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Steps to add minutes and seconds:

1. Add the minutes.

2. Add the seconds.

3. If the seconds are 60 or more, then, decrease the seconds by 60 and increase the minutes by 1.

(Since, 1 minute = 60 seconds)


For example: Let's add:

3 minutes 47 seconds + 2 minutes 23 seconds = ?


First let's add the minutes.

3 minutes + 2 minutes = 5 minutes


Now, add the seconds.

47 seconds + 23 seconds = 70 seconds

So, 3 minutes 47 seconds + 2 minutes 23 seconds = 5 minutes 70 seconds 
Now, notice that 70 seconds are more than 60 seconds.
So, decrease the seconds by 60 and increase the minutes by 1:
70 seconds – 60 seconds = 10 seconds
5 minutes + 1 minute = 6 minutes
So, 3 minutes 47 seconds + 2 minutes 23 seconds = 6 minutes 10 seconds.